Does Your Tarot Reader Have A Clear Code of Ethics?

Audrey Dundee Hannah
8 min readOct 2, 2021

All the things I will not say to you during a reading.

Photo by Tingey Injury Law Firm on Unsplash

Like many of us glitter wand-owning weirdos in search of deeper meaning — shout out to your collection of rose quartz and stones you feel have unique personalities — I have wandered into a few too many questionable mystical practitioner’s offices over the years expecting a level of care and specificity commensurate with their price structures and big promises.

But I’m not just a person in search of magickal* practice — I am also a provider of such services. If you book a Tarot reading with me, I want you to feel safe and stoked in knowing what I can and can’t and will and won’t deliver.

*that extra k reminds us that we are not about to see some dude pull a rabbit out of a hat on an Alaskan cruise, but rather come into contact with an alchemical process, capable of real inner and outer transformation, right here right now

Sidebar About My Education

Critics of magickal services tend to pummel the expired equine to the tune of “Only con artists provide interpretations of the invisible world in exchange for cash!” While there are plenty of people in the world ready to separate you from your lucre in the middle of delivering vague and manipulative messaging as gospel truth, there are also…



Audrey Dundee Hannah

Actor (“Bones,” “9–1–1”), satirist (Slackjaw, Points in Case, Flexx), entrepreneur (of many stripes), community organizer (parrots, googly eyed objects).